See how the wind is blowing...Yeh...when THAT happens in Oklahoma, EXpect something to Happen, weatherwise....But....more on that later...
Brenda asked me to run her boyz in Rally Advanced today, so I took Jeremy, then Duncan in for their runs. Jeremy decided that he didn't want to sit, nor did he want to jump over the hurdle. One time he bowed instead of sat. Another time he went over to the sign and inspected it for possible food or a toy.....Nope... He didn't "Q" but Brenda expected as such, and was just glad he had a good time. He did. He smiled the whole time and was more than happy to runnnnnnn around the orange cones reeeeal fast.
Duncan, on the other hand is by far one of the smartest Collies I have ever met. He is also quite biddable and will work for ANYone. He worked happily for me, and we finished with a score in the high 80's.
Prosper went in last, in Rally Advanced A. He was Quite entertaining, snap, snap, snapping the Whole course, and wiggling his fuzzy backside the whole time. The boy even did the Pivot Left!!! (Brenda taught me how to DO it minutes before I went in! Yeay!!!). We finished with an 87, and got THIRD Place AND finished his Title, as planned!!!!
We got to take home a really lovely framed old fashioned print, some cookies in a purple bag, a CCA logo poster, and three rosettes (one of them for a Title Completion). I did not get any pictures, personally, but there will be some trickling in from friends and, of course, Steve Bull took some that I will order later on.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Barbara Cleek's bitch, Jessie, Lochlaren's Becoming Jane, went Winner's Bitch today. That's pretty big.
She's a half sister to our Prosper....
Around 4 pm, I looked outside, and it looked like it was after 7pm....Dark, overcast, and dreary. Not long after that, around 5:30, the tornado sirens began blaring.
Our announcer, Lori Montero, calmly and deliberately told us all to "go to the outside walls of the building." Once we were there (all 800 or so of us), then we were told to go inside the bathrooms, without our dogs.
I wasn't about to do that, so my boyz and I just stayed near the outside walls....
It was Then that Pati Merrill instructed me to GIT INSIDE THE BATHROOM....
so James and Prosper and I went to the men's room with all the other folk. I put them on a down-stay, and they were happy as clams for the attention and the close contact with all these PEOPLE!!!!
It was rather curious regarding the men in the men's room (there were folks in the ladies' room as well, but, gee...going into the boys' bathroom has always been rather intriguing to me)....They told us over and OVER again NOT to sit on the urinals....(like we Would...Really???)...
Soon, the storms passed thru, and folks began easing out of the johns.... but STILL close to the outside walls. I put the boyz under a shelf, out of the way, and maybe "protected" should things become messy....
The All Clear siren sounded, and we all emerged from our safe places, returning once again to the business at hand. For a few minutes in time, we had huddled together as One, and had the opportunity to truly depend on one another. For that, I shall be forever grateful.
The Collie Health Foundation Auction and Dinner started a bit late because of the storm, but spirits and pocketbooks certainly were not dampened by the rain and the hail and the wind. There were some very beautiful and expensive items, and all of them went for prices Way over my head.
I had given them a lovely Colliewool shawl I'd knitted from Baden and James' fur, and I think it sold for right around $140.
Back to the hotel for a hot shower and a quick glassa wine. This has been a very significant day!
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