Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Final Day....Then....Home, the Best Place to Be....

SOMEwhere, in the depths of my mind, I believe that if I actually finish up the blogs about the Nationals they will "disappear" from my consciousness.  Of course I know that this is not really true, but, well, ya know how you never want some things to come to an end......

So, I press on to the Last Day of the 125th CCofA Nationals...  Saturday....The day when the expens and crates and tables come down and find their way into the vans and RV's. The day when the last of the Crown Royal is sprayed and the final judging begins. This is the day when goodbyes are sadly spoken for another year and the final chocolate offerings at the grooming stations disappear.

It's tearful sometimes. After all, we have spent an entire week with 800 Collies and their passionate humans, and are returning to the Real World where folks can actually go for 30 minutes without thinking of Lassie.

And so we begin the countdown of the day.  Today is Best of Variety judging, meaning that all the entries who are ALREADY finished Champions (the ones who have that coveted breed title "Ch" before their registered name) are now competing amongst each other for the Best in Show, as it were. 
Prosper has a few "kinfolk" who are in this running. Specifically a half sister (Lochlaren's Becoming Jane--she took Winner's Bitch this year!) and a cousin or an uncle (Lochlaren's Good Times). But today, we have nothing more to do than to watch the show, gather more chocolate, drink lots of water, purchase a few last-minute momentos, and hope that we might win the Purina drawing.

So, the first order of the day is to re-visit the puppies!!

Only bad thang about puppies is that they SLEEP too dang much! I wanna play and train more than they do...So, I woke these little critters up from their morning nap, but once they were up, they were UP!!!  Joan Johnson (BluRidge Collies) was SO generous in allowing me to get my "puppy fix" each day, and I truly think that they actually recognized me every time I came up to their expen. "THAT's the lady that gets us OUT and also has Yummy Treats!!"

These pups already HAVE homes, or I would not even be here.  Too dangerous. Besides, I really Really like having only 2 dogs. It's pretty easy, actually.

Below is a series of pictures I took of a man and his daughter from Tulsa.  The little girl is a 10-year old who has asked her Mom and Daddy for a Collie puppy for her birthday.  The dad brought his 2 daughters to the show on Friday, then returned with the "birthday girl" on Saturday....He had read the Terhune books as a young boy, had a Collie when he was growing up....I'm thinking this guy really doesn't have a Chance of saying no to this darling child...

ANYway, at their "return" trip to the Expo on Saturday, they once again sought me out, and I asked Katie if she would like to walk James...She never said one word all morning, but she did nod her head yes, and I gave her the leash.....

I probably don't need to insert any dialog here....These pictures pretty much say it all...James is doing what he does best....being the Only Dog in the World, and Katie is discovering the wonderfulness and the bidability of a Collie.....Wonder if the CCA would hire James for his ambassador skills.....

Jeremy needed to take a break, so I gave Katie his leash, and they went for a walk outside.

Next, we went to the puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is baby Noah.  He will be going to live in Japan, soon as he is old enough for a rabies shot.  Walking puppies is LOTS different than walking a Collie who knows all things...

We went to the Obedience Ring, now empty of dogs."....Take him up and back, Ma'am...."

Yep...I'm thinking we might have a Performance child in this family!  It really IS fun to teach a Collie, after all.  Katie's dad told me that she was truly enamored with the breed now and everything to do with it....I gave him my card and told him I would Love to help them pick out a companion Collie.....Here's hoping they find one that is perfect for their family.

Next it was the Best of Variety judging.  Here's the Magical Nigel with Brenda ringside, Katy Preddy handling.

It's time to say our last goodbyes.....
The Expo is emptying out...

I try not to worry about her...I Really DO try...But she makes it IMpossible sometimes...

James is packed in there SOMEwhere....We really did not do much "organized packing"....only about an hour to travel....He doesn't mind...Just as long as he's close by... 
 FREEEEEEEDOM!!!!!  and lots of Green grass and NO Leashes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 We can do whatever we WANT to at Aint Toni's house!!!

And this is truly how all this journey really began.....Sitting outside on a deck surrounded by Collies....Our friendship took root, and we discovered that we can dwell in heaven even while still on Earth....See you in a month, Brenda, at Dog Camp!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

License Plates at the Nationals....

You KNOW who you are!!!  Here are just a few of the "designer" license plates I saw in the parking lot.  If you have any to add, please forward them to me, and we'll make them a part of this list.  xoxoxo

THIS one's MINE....


Friday. Not as Laid Back as I Had Anticipated......

Friday started out Quite Calm and Serene. So Serene, in fact, that I took my time getting to the Show Site, relaxing at the hotel, enjoying a second cup of coffee and, of course, waiting for the pictures to download onto my blogspot....Nothing really "pressing" for ME this day....well, except to run Brenda's Collies again in Rally, just like yesterday afternoon....Prosper had Finished his Rally Advanced title the day before, so there was truly No Pressure on Toni Bailey today At. All.
I strolled into the building around 10:30, put the boyz in the expen, thought I'd check on the Rally and Obedience area, and maybe see if I could pick up my numbers for the Walker boyz. YESTERday, they wouldn't even Think about digging thru the numbers until after noon, so I was in no big hurry to ask for their services right away.

I turned the corner from the "breed" area to the "obedience" area, and THERE was the Rally Advanced ring set up and RUNNING. People and Collies Everywhere, waiting to enter the ring in Rally Advanced B!!!

Oh crap! Oh Crap! OH CRAP!!!! They were running the schedule just Opposite to yesterday's schedule----Rally FIRST instead of LAST. Omigosh! What?! Where?! WHAT am I gonna DO????

I asked one of the stewards if I could still get in, and she was Quite Unsure....Asked one of the judges (who was not working in the ring at the time) and she said, "As long as the last team hasn't run, you can get in at the last of the line. But go get your Collie. We will not wait on you."

RUNNNNNNN back to our grooming station. Enroute, there comes an announcement over the loudspeaker....

"There is a blue merle rough Collie dog loose in the building. Please pick him up at the announcer's desk."

Couldn't be MY boy this time.... (see THIS post to explain that....)

He was safely in his pen. I had JUST put him there....

There were Brenda's boyz, happily sleeping in their expens, there was James.....Oh crap! Oh! CRAP!!!! There was JAMES, but NO Blue Merle Collie.....

I'm running out of TIME here....Back to the announcer's desk, pick up Prosper, hand him over to Carl's sister (also named Brenda) ("Will you PLEASE take him out to poop, that MUST be why he got OUT?!!"), grab Brenda Walker's two boyz, and head BACK to the Obedience area.

Passing by the Collie Health Foundation Booth, I called to Brenda Walker...SOMEthing about Rally is starting Now, and Carl's Brenda has the Blue Boy to take him out to hurry up, and bring a leash. ALL she could decipher at that moment was that the Blue Boy had escaped and would "Brenda" go take him to pee.....

So, MY Brenda was a bit lost and confused for a little while looking for Prosper, the leads, and a poop bag....(THAT restofthestory got straightened out later that evening over some fabulous margaritas).

I handed off Duncan to my friend Rose ringside so I could "warm" Jeremy up before we barreled into the ring, cold and un-rehearsed....(Brenda Walker was still looking for Prosper!). By the time it was our turn to enter the ring, Rose had to relinquish Duncan so SHE could go into her ring....Ah! But HERE comes Brenda Walker, all smiles and happiness (she HAD found Prosper and Carl's Brenda by this time), reaching for Duncan's leash.

Deep Breath......Do some serious Yoga breaths in, breaths out.....Jeremy and I enter the ring, and right away he does not sit. don't HAVE to sit before you begin, so I'm not gonna let that worry me a BIT. Dang! At Least we were able to "fix" this late problem and be able to compete! This was Not a "sitting day" for Jeremy. Though he did lie down nicely and perform several other stations quite well. The jump Nope. Not even with Aint Toni promising "jility!".....Two tries, two refusals. Not gonna push the happiness out the window on that one....

And he WAS happy!  Smiling and grinning at me all the way through.  The judge said "sorry" as we exited, but I wasn't really sorry....NOT with that Collie on the end of my lead....Jeremy has to be, by far, the sweetest dog I have ever met....He'd had a Great Time, just travelling alongside of me, and that was enough. 

I swapped his lead to a smiling eartoear Brenda, and took Duncan's in hand.

Now...FIRST of all, Duncan is a Workaholic.  He would rather work for you and do what you ask than anything else in the world.  He neeeeeeds a job, and if you ever want to just practice with a dog who knows everything (except how to read), then just ask Brenda to loan Dunky to you.  She's very generous, she knows how to train dogs, and she hates going into the ring.

So, here I am, reaping all the benefits of her and Duncan's training, just walking along, reading the Rally signs, asking him to do whatever the sign sez....How cool is THAT! 

Rather like having grandchildren, spoiling them, feeding them lots of sugar, then returning them home to their parents....(only with DUNCAN, you get legs on a title!).

He didn't place, but his score was in the 80's, and we took that and ran with the green rosette!  What a FUN dog he is.  What Spirit! 

I have to add this little bit before I quit the subject of Duncan...
As we were walking back to the grooming area, we passed a series of crates with Collies in them that EXploded in violent barking and extreme bouncing....Duncan got up on his toes, ready for the FUN, and said, "FightFightFight!"
He was Ready, guys, to take on whoever wanted to rassle....(Duncan has told me way back long ago, that he really likes to fight. He just Likes it....sigh...sometimes I can certainly identify with that philosophy).

ANYway, a quick correction and my verbally telling him that , no, we were NOT going to Fight, and he was Back into "work mode" again.  That boy and I walked ALL over that building, passing by all Sorts of reactive and unhappy Collies, and Duncan never again responded in kind....He is Amazing. Truly amazing.....Work, for him, is the Ultimate Reward...

Amee asked for a picture of Laura's banner.  Didn't it turn out beautifully?!!

And below is the Crush Lounge....Taken from Far Away!  Today, Crush won the Tess Esch Award for Best Stud Dog!  Wow! This is Certainly HIS Year!!!

Here is a new friend I made. She and her mother are from Florida.  She had asked me how I braided leashes, so I sat down with her for a quick lesson. She learned FAST!!!

WHILE we were sitting there, AT my grooming space, mind you, all THREE of us twisting leather lace into leashes, the announcer came on the loud speaker....
"Toni Bailey, your blue rough Collie is at the announcer's table....AGAIN."

WHAT?  What th????  WHERE?  HOW??? I've been Sitting here all this time!  And she used the word "again."   Sigh....Prosper is getting quite a name for himself at the Nationals....

We found the break in the Maginot Line, repaired such, then went outside to pee....Prosper neeeeds a job....
He found a big pair of shoes to whiz on...the giant Oilworker in the front of the building...

Grooming...ALways grooming and learning something new....

Tonight there were several banquets to choose from. The Century Club and the Performance Collie being just two of the choices. Brenda and I opted for the PerCol group, and we had a wonderful time!  The meal was served at Tulsa's premier resturant, Michael V's.  It is owned by Colliefolk (Carole and Michael Minden), and so they reaaaaaalllly gave us a break on the price. The food was just wonderful, and I highly recommend their signature cocoanut cream pie.  I even took an extra one home with me.  YUM! 

EVERYone went home with door prizes!  I got a fold up water dish, Brenda got a buckle collar.
Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel for a small party and some Fat Mama's Knock Yew Nekkid Margaritas....And more pie....

I DID try to blog as much as I Could, yall!  Even in the middle of the party!!!

Goodnight, Sweet Prince....My Liddle Runaway....RunRunRunRun Runaway.....