Saturday, April 10, 2010

Home.....The Best Place on the Planet.......

I'm Home. The Very Best place to be!  Many of my "followers" (you Know who you are!) have written me asking if I were Home yet....Because I didn't do a "final" blog regarding my Route66 journey. 

You know how it is....Ya get Home, and hit the ground runnin' to catch up on what you've neglected for the past few weeks.

Now, let me make one thing Perfectly Clear. Rob had the house all clean and spiffy and vaccumed and "licked up" quite nicely when I got Home.  He is the Best at making sure I have a Proper Homecoming and can arrive, unload the van, and completely Destroy all his "neatness" efforts in less than 30 minutes.

Rob was in Dallas (judging bands at Sandylake Amusement Park) when I got home. It looked like he had
"cleaned his way out the door." There were even clean sheets on the bed.......sigh.....

The boyz and I arrived home around 8 pm, and I turned them out into the yard to rip and snort. Spent the next hour unloading all the rocks and dirty laundry, then soaked in the tub until my muscles relaxed and my fingers turned to prunes. Home is the Best Place to be.

The yard was in dire need of mowing. The flowerbeds were overgrown with henbit and various unwanted grasses. The pond plants were beginning to emerge. And the dogwoods and the redbuds were in full glory. Even our newly-planted tulip tree has small buds on her! This place is just....well.....just like Home....

Here's a few pics I took the last night on the road.....

Eating a supper of California Strawberries and blogging on the computer at the Motel6:

James, being awakened from his sleep right beside the water bowl....Well, ya gotta guard Something!

And, then, of course, a picture of a truck I spotted in a nearby alley here in town.....Yeh....You just gotta love being Home.....

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